How to increase your Kona performance: One Week Out
Now there are only a few days left before it’s time to race. The work is done and tapering is in full swing. The body is starting to slowly recover and each day will bring with it a bit more fitness and give you that “ready feeling”. Sleeping and eating the right meals are some of the main goals for this week. So that means, no experiments in the food department. The final week should be standardized and practiced in training and it should consist of a real pre-race routine for the pros and the amateurs. Continue reading
How to increase your Kona Performance: Two Weeks Out
There are less than two weeks till the big dance in Kona, and this is a specific and crucial time. Every athlete is now in taper mode or about to start the real tapering before the race. Fatigue is still pretty strong and the body is crying for more rest and sleep. Most athletes are in Kona or starting to travel to the island now. Training in race like conditions is an absolute by this point. Many athletes are getting a bit tense and starting to seek privacy. I believe this is pretty normal given the stress that the body is going through at the moment. Not to mention, for the pros, several media requests will be rolling in and race week will already be jammed packed with appointments. Continue reading
How to increase your Kona performance: Three Weeks Out
Now is the time when everybody is counting down the days till the real taper starts, but you should still be far away from bringing the engine down to an idle. This time in your race countdown is crucial and it hurts, both body and mind. I advise you to really pay attention out there on the roads as fatigue sets in. This is when many little accidents can occur. So be smart and aware of all the little things around you. It has been a long training and racing year for most of the athletes and now it is getting tough to keep up the big workload. Continue reading
How to increase your Kona performance: Four Weeks Out
With less than four weeks to the big dance in Kona, athletes are under pressure to hammer out perfect sessions that will help them shave minutes off of their overall time on race day. Right now it’s peak training time and it is a must to really focus on getting the big volume under your belt. I always feel that the last few weeks leading up to an Ironman have to be very precise and those key session need to be nailed, not only for your body, but also for the your mind. Continue reading